Coaching Skills for the Workplace: Learn the Art of Coaching for Leadership Growth and Team Development. Teach your leaders how to stop overfunctioning, to listen reflectively, to ask strategic questions, and to empower their colleagues in goal-setting and decision-making.
Emotionally Intelligent Performance Review Processes: Leading your Team through Healthy & Enjoyable Reviews
Strategic Planning using Creative Tension
The Enneagram for your Team or Workplace
Restorative Circles Mediation Workshops: A Restorative Circle provides a structure for people involved in an event to speak and be heard, better see each other as fellow human beings, understand the meanings behind actions and reactions, and collaborate about next steps.
Facilitated Group Discernment Processes: Guided Discernment for your Team or Organization
How to use Consensus Models for Group Decision-Making
Midwinter Wholeheartedness: Cultivating your Whole Self in times of Darkness, Chaos & Change.